Article Number: 21100-02
This Escape-Mattress Stretcher replaces the standard mattress on an ambulance stretcher. If it is not possible to get to the patient with a normal stretcher (e.g. because of stairs or other obstacles) this Escape-Mattress® Stretcher, when opened out, becomes a mattress that can then be dragged down a stairs by using the towing straps that can be found at both ends of the stretcher. The body flaps can then be used for immobilising/securing the patient. The mattress with the secured patient can then be easily lifted onto the ambulance stretcher.
The Escape-Mattress is made of fire resistant material that is resistant to blood, urine, acids and alkaline as well.
CE certified and TÜV tested and certified for 150kg payload.
There is no better and more durable quality available on the market than any of our Escape-Mattress range.
Specifications foam filling
The Escape-Mattress Stretcher model is filled with foam based on the Ultra-Fresh-protection system. This system is very effective in combating a wide range of bacteria and fungi, including MRSA (better known as the hospital bacteria). As a result of the active ingredients, the system also works against house dust mites. The foam protectors are certified to standards LGA Schadstoffgeprüft (The LGA test mark „schadstoffgeprüft“: „tested for toxins“).
- 4 handles at each side;
- 2 adjustable towing straps
- Headrest for fastening onto the stretcher or directly onto the Escape-Mattress®
Protection of the patient:
- 2 body flaps for immobilisation
- Loops for the safety belt of the stretcher
- Length adjustable foot bag
The Escape-Mattress stretcher is mainly used by professionals, Ambulance, Fire Service, Army, etc.
- Designed in cooperation with ambulance services
- Ready to use within a few seconds
- Dimensions (length x width):ca. 180 x 47 cm
- Mattress thickness: ca. 8 cm
- Maximum carrying capacity: 150 kg
- Weight: ca. 7.2 kg
- Adjustable headrest with immobilisation band
- Warranty: 2 years
- 4-language manual
- Colour: black (or green)
- TÜV certified
- CE certified
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